An hours more...

It has happened! We have had the Spring Equinox but the real milestone is when the clocks change and you get that jump in usable daylight! It not only means that we have more daylight but it also signals the start of the guided walk season for us and also route describing and checking for me. Its great getting out in the countryside at this time of year: the blossom is out and the leaves are growing again, and the lambs are hopping around the fields.

It seems that over the last couple of weeks nature has kick-started itself! That is one of my favourite pivotal moments in the year, when the countryside comes back to life in what seems like an instant.

When the blossom is out is one of the best times to walk the South-West Coastpath, this was taken on the section between Bude and Crackington Haven.   

Birds are still feeling the cold enough to come into gardens. This Blue Tit quite happily sat and had his picture taken!

Even just walking around our local village you can see some particularly lovely blossom.

.... or when you are out walking with friends!

It is also the time when we get really busy. But luckily a lot of this conducted outside!

This little guy was sunbathing near one of the hotels we use for our tours.

Its also pretty great when you conduct a job interview somewhere like this!


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